Rat Bait: Navigating Successful Pest Management

Rat bait is the only effective solution for you're ongoing losing battle with rats? There is no effective eco-friendly product available that will resolve rat issues.

In this blog, we will discuss all things rat bait, from recognising signs of infestation to choosing and placing bait correctly, safety precautions to disposal methods, and even preventive measures for future invasions.

Let’s delve into this together...

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Table Of Contents:

Identifying Rat Infestations

Rat bait can be used once a rat infestation in your property has been determined but how do you know if rats have made your property their home? 

First off, look for signs like droppings or gnaw marks. Rats leave behind dark pellets about the size of rice grains and love to chew on things.

Besides physical evidence, unusual sounds are another giveaway. Scratching or running noises in walls or under floors often mean there's a rat issue at hand. Be vigilant - these rodents tend to be most active at night.

If you notice any of these signs, it's time to act quickly. Don't underestimate the potential damage and health risks of rats – they're more than just unwanted guests.


Rat Bait Selection and Placement

Rat bait selection is key to controlling rats around your property. 

When assessing what rodent baits to use, consider factors such as infestation size, location and rat type. Commercial grade will work the most efficiently. Some rats in Australia are immune to store-bought domestic-grade rat bait. 

Rat bait should be put out of reach from children and pets to prevent accidental ingestion. The use of tamper-resistant bait stations is good practice here.

Rat bait placement can make controlling these pest more effective. Look out for signs of rodent tracks and use bait stations to "interrupt" their usual routes. Rats will always leave their nesting site for food and water and will pass by the bait stations as part of their routine if placed around the perimeter of your building's exterior

This will be both the safest and most effective choice. When rat bait is placed using a bait station around the perimeter of you home or building at the ground level you will not have rats die in the roof, walls etc. 

Pellets thrown in the roof may seem like a good idea because that's where you hear their activity, but you don't want the rats thinking your roof is a food source or dying in the roof after the rat bait has been consumed.

Safety Precautions

Rat bait is poison. Using rat bait calls for care. Wear gloves and protective clothing to shield yourself from harm. 

Rat Bait Poisoning

Rat bait should never be left laying loosely around the house. Pet owners in particular should be diligent that their pets do not consume this poison. A poisoned animal will need to be taken to a vet and give vitamin k.

Rat bait should alway be contained in tamper-proof rat bait stations, also known as rodent bait stations, to avoid such incidents.

Seek quick medical help if human beings or pets have been exposed to poison.

Rat Bait Monitoring

Rat bait can take up to 4 weeks for the bait to take effect.

Keeping an eye on rat bait levels is vital. This not only helps to measure its effectiveness but also indicates when you should replenish rat bait.

To effectively monitor, note how much bait iis being consumed over a given time period to give you an idea as to when to check next before the bait has been totally consumed.

Rats are very suspicious of new things in their environment, it could take a few weeks for them to investigate enough to eat the bait initially. Once they have deemed it a trustworthy food source, it is very fast acting. 

Rat bait stations should be checked approximately two weeks post the bait stations being laid. Replenish any bait where there is less than 20% remaining to stay on top of the breeding cycle. 

Disposal of Deceased Rats 

For rodent disposal, make sure you are vigilant and act quickly when you see a dead rat; dispose of them using rubber gloves and place them in heavy-duty rubbish bags tightly sealed and bagged a second time. 

This will minimise the exposure of poisoned rats to other animals that may become sick or disorientated from ingesting the poisoned rats. 

Professional Assistance

If your rat problem is too big to handle alone, you can always seek professional help.

This isn't admitting defeat; it's being practical. A major infestation needs serious action, so don’t hesitate to ask professionals when you need them most.

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DIY Rat Rid

If you feel comfortable placing the bait stations yourself,  you can purchase the professional grade bait and bait stations from diyratrid.com.au; they also have a handy free measuring tool so you know how many bait stations you will need for your building. 

Prevention Strategies

Maintaining regular inspections is crucial to spot any signs of rats early on. 

Cleanliness practices are one of your best defence against these pests. Just as cleanliness can prevent many diseases, it also deters rat infestations.

Sealing off entry points, however simple it seems, can be a massive and often unfeasible undertaking before it can be effective, considering adult rats can squeeze into 25mm spaces.

Lastly, eliminating access to food sources that attract rats. Put all the dry food stored in the pantry in glass containers; also, check under the kitchen sink, around dishwasher pipes and at the back of the fridge for water pooling.


Rat Bait Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best Rat bait in Australia?

Rat bait Contrac blox's are the recommended rat baits. When enclosed in rat bait stations they will also protect non-target species.

What is the fastest working Rat bait?

Rapid-kill rodenticides Bromethalin-based  rat bait like Contrac works quickly - often within 24 hours of rodent ingestion.

What is the best bait for Rats if you have Dogs?

Ensuring the bait you use is enclosed in a heavy-duty tamper-proof rat bait station, preferably one that is screwed in place, will help eliminate risk to pets. 

Is Ratsak Safe for Dogs?

According to the manufacturer, RATSAK NATURALS® Rodenticide Bait Pellets is a specially formulated rodenticide bait based on natural ingredients. 

The bait pellet is safe for use with non-target animals such as livestock, dogs, cats and birds when used as directed. 

Ratsak is not usually confined to a bait station, meaning a Dog could ingest it if exposed directly to the bait. If not contained, it can also harm non-target species, including pets, wildlife and people.

Do Ratsak wax blocks work?

Ratsak is one of the more well-known bait brands; however, it is not commercial-grade, and rats could be immune to the active ingredients.  

What foods are Rats most attracted to?

Rats love foods high in sugar and fat. They're particularly drawn towards nuts, dried fruit, meat scraps or cheese bits. But they will gnaw anything in their way, such as wood or wires, to keep their teeth from overgrowth.


Rat bait used for mastering the art of rat control involves a multi-faceted approach. By accurately identifying infestations and strategically selecting and placing rat bait, you take the first crucial steps towards a pest-free environment. 

Rat bait safety precautions cannot be overlooked to ensuring the well-being of both humans and non-target animals. Regular monitoring and proper disposal of deceased rats are vital in maintaining an effective pest management strategy. 

When needed, seek professional assistance to handle more complex situations. 

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