Contrac Blox SDS
ACCORDING TO REGULATION EC: Regulation (EU) 2015/830 |
DATE OF ISSUE: July 2017 |
SECTION 1. Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company /undertaking |
1.1. Product Identifier: CONTRAC BLOX |
1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against 1.2.1 Relevant identified uses USE: Anticoagulant Rodenticide – Ready to use (RB) FORM: Wax block bait (BB) 1.2.2 Uses advised against Use only for the purpose detailed in Section 1.2.1 |
1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet MANUFACTURER: AUTHORISATION HOLDER: Bell Laboratories, Inc. Bell Laboratories, Inc. 3699 Kinsman Blvd. Madison, WI 53704, USA Chaucer House, Chaucer Rd. t: +1 608 241 0202 Sudbury, Suffolk e: CO10 1LN, UK e: |
1.4. Emergency telephone number: +1-952-852-4636 –Available 24h English language phone service or Local or Regional Poison Control Centre. |
SECTION 2. Hazards identification |
2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture |
Classification according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 [CLP]: STOR RE2 H373: May cause damage to the blood through prolonged or repeated exposure |
2.2 Label Elements |
Labelling according to Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 Hazard Pictogram:
Signal Word: Warning
Hazard Statement(s) (CLP): H373: May cause damage to the blood through prolonged or repeated exposure.
Precautionary Statements: P102: Keep out of reach of children. P103: Real label before using P314: Get medical attention if you feel unwell. P501: Dispose of contents/container in accordance with national regulations |
2.3. Other Hazards |
None |
SECTION 3. Composition/information on ingredients |
3.1 Substances: No substances fulfill the criteria set forth in Annex II Section A of the REACH regulation (EC) No 1907/2006
3.2. Mixtures: Description of the mixture: Formulated dry rodenticide bait containing Bromadiolone
Chemical name* (IUPAC) |
% By weight* |
CAS No. |
EC No. |
Classification** |
Bromadiolone [3-[3-(4’-Bromo[1,1’-biphenyl]-4-yl)-3-hydroxy-1phenylpropyl]-4-hydroxy-2H-1benzopyran-2-one] |
0.005 % |
28772-56-7 |
249-205-9 |
Regulation 1272/2008 |
Acute Tox. 1 (oral) H300 Acute Tox. 1 (dermal) H310 Acute Tox 1 (Inhalation) H330 STOT RE 1 H372 Aquatic chronic 1 H410 |
*Unlisted components not listed are non-hazardous |
SECTION 4. First aid measures |
4.1. Description of first aid measures General Advice: Please refer to the instructions below for each specific way of exposure. Ingestion: Rinse mouth carefully with water. Do not give anything by mouth or induce vomiting unless instructed by physician. Inhalation: Not applicable. Eye contact: Flush with cool water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation develops, obtain medical assistance. Skin contact: Wash with soap and water. If irritation develops, obtain medical assistance. |
4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed Ingestion of excessive quantities may cause nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, extreme thirst, lethargy, diarrhea, bleeding. |
4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Advice to physician: If ingested, administer Vitamin K1 intramuscularly or orally as indicated for bishydroxycoumarin overdoses. Repeat as necessary as based upon monitoring of prothrombin times. Antidote: Phytomenadione, Vitamin K1 is antidotal |
SECTION 5. Firefighting measures |
5.1. Extinguishing media Suitable Extinguishing Media: water, foam or inert gas. Unsuitable Extinguishing Media: None known. |
5.2. Special hazards arising from the mixture: High temperature decomposition or burning in air can result in the formation of toxic gases, which may include carbon monoxide and traces of bromine and hydrogen bromide. |
5.3. Advice for firefighters: Wear protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus. |
SECTION 6. Accidental release measures |
6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures 6.1.1 For non-emergency personnel: Protective equipment should be worn when handling the bait. Collect spillage without creating dust. 6.1.2 For emergency responders: Protective equipment should be worn when handling the bait. Collect spillage without creating dust. |
6.2. Environmental precautions: Do not allow bait to enter drains or water courses. Where there is contamination of streams, rivers, or lakes contact the appropriate respective authorities. |
6.3. Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up 6.3.1 For Containment: Sweep up spilled material immediately. Place in properly labeled container for disposal. 6.3.2 For Cleaning Up: Wash contaminated surfaces with detergent. Dispose of all wastes in accordance with all local, regional and national regulations. 6.3.3 Other Information: Not applicable |
6.4. Reference to other sections: Refer to Sections 7, 8 & 13 for further details of safe handling, personal protective equipment, and disposal considerations. |
SECTION 7. Handling and storage |
7.1. Precautions for safe handling 7.1.1 Protective Measures: Keep product in the original container. Do not handle the product near food, animal foodstuffs or drinking water. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use near heat sources, open flame, or hot surfaces. 7.1.2 Advice on general occupational hygiene: Do not eat, drink or smoke whilst handling. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. |
7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Store only in original container in a cool, dry place, inaccessible to pets and wildlife. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Keep container tightly closed when not in use. |
7.3. Specific end uses(s) Rodenticide - ready to use
SECTION 8. Exposure controls/personal protection |
8.1. Control Parameters Occupational exposure limits: Not established 8.2. Exposure Controls 8.2.1 Appropriate engineering controls: Not required 8.2.2 Personal Protection Respiratory protection: Not required Eye protection: Not required Skin protection: Wear rubber gloves (for example, EN 374 or disposable latex gloves) Hygiene recommendations: Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. 8.2.3 Environmental exposure controls: Prevent the substance from entering drains and water-courses. |
SECTION 9. Physical and chemical properties |
9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties Appearance/Colour: Blue solid wax blocks Odour: Sweet grain-like Odour Threshold: No data pH: Not applicable, not dispersible with water Melting point: No data (melting point for Bromadiolone is 192.6 – 193.9°C) Boiling point: No data Flash point: Not applicable Evaporation rate: Not applicable, is a solid Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits: No data Vapour Pressure: Not applicable Relative Density: 1.12 g/mL @ 20°C Solubility (water): Not water soluble Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water: No data Auto-ignition temperature: Not applicable Decomposition temperature: No data Explosive properties: Not applicable Oxidising properties: Not applicable
9.2. Other Information: None known |
SECTION 10. Stability and reactivity |
10.1. Reactivity: Stable when stored in original container in a cool, dry location. There are no particular risks of reaction with other substances in normal conditions of use. |
10.2. Chemical stability: Stable when stored in original container in a cool, dry location. |
10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions: Please refer to 10.6 (Hazardous decomposition products). |
10.4. Conditions to avoid: Avoid extreme temperatures (below 0°C or above 40°C). |
10.5. Incompatible materials: Avoid strongly alkaline materials. |
10.6. Hazardous decomposition products: High temperature decomposition or burning in air can result in the formation of toxic gases, which may include carbon monoxide and traces of bromine and hydrogen bromide. |
SECTION 11. Toxicological information |
11.1. Information on toxicological effects 11.1.1 Substances : Not applicable 11.1.2 Mixtures – Not applicable (a) Acute Toxicity LD50, oral (ingestion): >5000 mg/kg (rats) (Bromadiolone Rat LD50 oral: <5mg/kg bw). LD50, dermal (skin contact): > 5001 mg/kg (rats) (Bromadiolone Rat LD50 dermal: 7.48 mg/kg bw (female rats). LC50, inhalation: Not applicable (b) Skin corrosion/irritation : Not irritating to skin. (c) Serious eye damage/Irritation: Not irritating to eyes. (d) Respiratory or skin sensitization: Dermal sensitization: Not a Sensitizer (Buehler test method). (e) Germ cell mutagenicity: Not considered to have a mutagenetic effect. (f) Carcinogenicity: Contains no components known to have a carcinogenetic effect. (g) Reproductive Toxicity: No data available. | (h) STOT-Single Exposure: No data available. (i) STOT Repeated Exposure: Specific Target organ toxicity – Repeated exposure, Category 2 (j) Aspiration Hazard: Not relevant. |
SECTION 12. Ecological information |
General Information: The environmental risk assessment shows that Bromadiolone does not cause unacceptable risk in the aquatic environment, terrestrial environment or in the atmosphere. Bromadiolone is neither expected to accumulate in sediment nor contaminate groundwater. Predatory and scavenging mammals and birds might be poisoned if they have eaten the bait. Use a bait station to minimize these risks. Please note, the data below reflects the active ingredient Bromadiolone. This product is formulated @0.005% or 50ppm Bromadiolone. When compared to the data relevant to the active ingredient, ecological effects should be significantly lower for this product.
12.1. Toxicity For Bromadiolone: Fish: 96h LC50 ((Oncorhynchus mykiss)) = 4.33 mg/l Invertebrates: 48h EC50 (Daphnia magna) 0.222 mg/l Algae: 72h EbC50 Selenastrum capricornutum = >ErC50 = 7.31 mg/l Microorganisms (activated sludge): EC50 >100 mg/L (based on water solubility at pH 7 and T = 20°C) 12.2. Persistence and degradability: For Bromadiolone: Not readily biodegradable under normal conditions. However, photolysis of Bromadiolone is rapid with a half-life 0.5 hours or less (pH7 and 9, 25°C). In addition Bromadiolone is not volatile and therefore would not be expected to be present in the air in significant quantities. 12.3. Bioaccumulative potential: For Bromadiolone: Log Pow is >3, which indicates a potential to bioaccumulate BCF: For Bromadiolone, estimated for freshwater fish = 1750 (QSAR by Vieth et al (1979)) 12.4. Mobility in Soil: KOC: 1223 to 36011 mL/g (advanced adsorption test). Mobility of Bromadiolone in soil is considered to be limited.. 12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment: Other than the active ingredient, this mixture does not contain any substances that are assessed to be PBT or vPvB. 12.6. Other adverse effects: None. |
SECTION 13. Disposal considerations |
13.1. Waste Treatment Methods 13.1.1 Product/packaging disposal: Wastes resulting from use may be disposed of on-site or at an approved waste disposal facility. Dispose of all wastes in accordance with all local, regional and national regulations. 13.1.2 Waste treatment-relevant information: Wastes resulting from the use of this product may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal facility. 13.1.3 Sewage disposal-relevant information: Not applicable 13.1.4 Other disposal recommendations: None |
SECTION 14. Transport information |
14.1. UN number: Not applicable |
14.2. UN proper shipping name: ADR/RID (Road/Rail): Not applicable |
14.3. Transport hazard class(es): Not applicable |
14.4. Packing group: Not applicable |
14.5. Environmental hazards ADR/RID (Road/Rail): Not considered hazardous by ADR/RID Regulations for transportation via road/rail. IMDG (Maritime): Not considered hazardous by IMO Regulations for transportation via vessel. IATA (Air): Not considered hazardous by IATA Regulations for transportation via air. |
14.6. Special precautions for user: Not applicable
15.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture: Regulated under Regulation (EU) 528/2012 Substances in Candidate list (Art 59 REACH) : None Substances subject to authorization (Annex XIV REACH): None Restrictions (Annex XVII REACH): None 15.2. Chemical safety assessment: Exempt, CONTRAC BLOX is regulated under Regulation (EU) 528/2012
16.1. Abbreviations and acronyms Not applicable |
16.2. Key literature references and sources of data Assessment Report (Inclusion of active substances in Annex I to Directive 98/8/EC, 17 September 2009, revised 16 December 2010. EU Regulation 2015/830 and 528/2012 |
16.3. Classification and procedure used to derive the classification for mixtures according to Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 [CLP] |
Classification according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008: Not classified on the basis of available test data. |
Classification according to Directive 1999/45/EC: Not classified on the basis of available test data. |
16.5. Further Information: This Safety Data Sheet has been compiled in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2015/830, (EC) No 1907/2006 (as amended by Regulation (EU) No 453/2010), and Regulation (EC) 1272/2008. For additional information, please contact the manufacturer noted in Section 1. The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Bell Laboratories, Inc. provides no warranties; either expressed or implied, and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the data contained herein. This information is offered for your consideration and investigation. The user is responsible to ensure that they have all current data relevant to their particular use. |
Understanding the Possum Problem
The comprehensive guide on how to remove a possum provides valuable insights into effectively handling possum infestations while cultivating a respectful relationship with wildlife. It emphasizes the significance of understanding the possum problem, advocating for humane removal practices, addressing health and safety concerns, and outlining essential steps for successful possum removal.
From inspecting the property for signs of possum activity to executing the removal plan, monitoring strategies, handling captured possums, and preventing future intrusions, the guide covers a wide array of topics to ensure a thorough and effective removal process. Practical advice on strategies for dealing with captured possums humanely and making the property less attractive to them, is provided.
The guide concludes with a focus on maintaining a possum-free environment, sharing preventative measures and maintenance tips, and stressing the significance of responsible possum removal for fostering a harmonious coexistence with wildlife. By promoting awareness, compassion, and proactive measures, readers are encouraged to approach wildlife management with respect and sustainability in mind.
Overview of the Removal Process
Our dedicated team of residential pest control and commercial pest control possum removal professionals takes a collaborative approach when it comes to assisting homeowners, business owners, property managers, and landlords in effectively eliminating possums from their premises and implementing measures to deter their return. Working hand in hand with our expert technicians, we meticulously evaluate each unique situation to devise a tailored solution that best suits your needs.
Inspection Process
Our technician perform a thorough inspection, examining the entire perimeter of the building to pinpoint the entry points typically used by both the ringtail possum and the brushtail possum. This assessment encompass both the interior and exterior areas of the roof, ensuring safety throughout.
The inspection will not only focus on identifying possum activity but also any signs of rodent presence.
In the subsequent report, we will deliver a detailed list of the building elements needing attention to effectively resolve the clients' concerns. This comprehensive report will be accompanied by relevant pictures to substantiate our findings. Furthermore, we will highlight any other potential issues within the building, offering recommendations on whether immediate action is necessary or if they can be addressed later if they escalate.
Upon request or necessity, we will furnish a detailed quotation for any supplemental possum proofing or rodent-related services that exceed our standard fees, detected during the inspection process.
Possum Proofing & Removal Process
Our possum removal team prioritizes the humane removal of possums from your property to prevent harm to the animals. We highly value the cooperation of our clients throughout the removal process, ensuring a successful outcome. Our technician will work closely with you to determine the most effective removal options based on your specific situation.
In a standard possum removal procedure, our services include a thorough inspection report to identify entry points and assess the extent of the infestation. We then proceed to possum-proof the property by sealing entry points using durable materials such as galvanized tin or snake-proof mesh. It's important to note that any necessary aesthetic or internal repairs post-proofing are typically the responsibility of the property owner unless otherwise specified.
As part of our process, we install a temporary one-way door system to allow any possums present in the roof to exit but prevent their re-entry. This step, combined with the final sealing of entry points, effectively ensures that possums are excluded from the premises once they have exited or been prevented from re-entering.
In certain cases, possum trapping may be necessary. Our team may use possum traps in addition to or instead of a one-way door. If possum trapping is required, the captured possum will be released on the property the following day after sunset, in compliance with legal regulations stipulated by the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, within a specified distance from the capture site and away from waterways.
After our visit, you can expect to receive a detailed inspection report via email, complete with descriptive findings and relevant photographs for clarity. Additionally, we will provide a comprehensive document outlining the next steps and addressing any questions or concerns you may have regarding the possum removal process.
Why Humane Possum Removal is Crucial
Humane possum control is not just morally commendable but also avoids unnecessary harm to possums, which play a crucial role in the ecosystem. Their presence contributes to pest control by preying on insects and rodents, making them beneficial in maintaining a balanced environment.
Monitoring and adjusting removal strategies are vital to ensure the success of the removal process, as possum behavior can be unpredictable. Regularly checking traps if used and making necessary adjustments will help in achieving the desired outcome efficiently.
Handling captured possums requires care and caution to prevent injury to both the animal and the handler. Releasing possums at a safe distance from the property and providing them with a chance to thrive in their natural habitat is a key aspect of humane removal practices.
In conclusion, living harmoniously with wildlife demands a conscientious approach that prioritizes awareness, empathy, and proactive intervention. By embracing responsible wildlife management practices and cultivating a sustainable relationship with the wildlife in our midst, we can create a more harmonious and mutually beneficial environment for all species to thrive.
Health and Safety Concerns Related to Possums
When addressing the removal of possums from your property, it is paramount to prioritize the health and safety risks linked to these wildlife creatures. Possums, being wild animals, harbor numerous diseases and parasites. While the possibility of contracting a disease from these creatures is minimal unless there is direct interaction, caution must be exercised due to the potential health hazards they pose.
Possums are nocturnal creatures and may become aggressive if they feel threatened or cornered. It is important to approach possum removal with caution and avoid provoking the animals to prevent any potential injuries.
Moreover, handling possum traps and other removal equipment can also pose safety risks if not done properly. Ensuring that traps are set up correctly and following proper guidelines for their use can help prevent accidental injury during the removal process.
Overall, when dealing with possum removal, prioritizing health and safety is paramount. Remember, seeking professional help from wildlife removal experts is always a wise approach when dealing with possum infestations to ensure a safe and successful removal process.
Prevention and Maintenance Tips
To deter possum infestations and encounters, it is vital to make your property less attractive to these wildlife creatures.
However, even with these preventive measures in place, possums may still frequent your property, especially if it serves as a passageway for them to move between food sources. In such cases, engaging a professional possum removal service can guarantee that your property is possum-proof, preventing these creatures from accessing areas within your building and causing disturbances.
To ensure a possum-proof environment, acquaint yourself with preventive measures and maintenance techniques below. This knowledge will highlight what is possible in being able to deter possums and safeguarding your premises from potential damage.
1. Seal Entry Points:
Sealing off possum entry points stands as the definitive method to prevent possum invasions in your home. When possums linger around your property, creating a nuisance, addressing this becomes challenging due to restrictions imposed by state laws on relocating possums more than 50-150 meters, varying by state.
2. Trim Trees and Shrubs:
Possums are adept climbers, utilizing an overhanging tree branch to gain access to your roof or attic. To prevent possums from potentially finding entry points on your roof, it is essential to trim trees and shrubs at least 3 meters away from your home.
3. Install Motion-Activated Lights:
Possums are known to be nocturnal animals and are often believed to be repelled by bright lights. However, it is essential to debunk the misconception that installing motion-activated lights around your property can effectively deter possums. This common belief, often found online, is simply an old wives' tale.
4. Use Repellents:
Using a natural possum repellent such as ammonia-soaked rags or predator urine around your property to deter possums may seem like a practical solution, but in reality, it's a futile effort. The truth is, there are no truly effective deterrents or repellents that can reliably keep possums at bay.
5. Possum Trapping:
When dealing with a possum infestation, relying solely on setting a possum trap for removal may not be effective. Merely trapping and relocating a possum without addressing entry points and implementing possum-proofing measures will not fully resolve the issue. Moreover, relocating a possum elsewhere could inadvertently create an opening for another possum to occupy the vacated territory.
It is crucial to familiarize yourself with local regulations governing possum trapping /animal trapping and relocation. For instance, in Australia, obtaining a Possum Catch & Release License is mandatory by law. Each state's government administers these licenses, and it is essential to comply with the specific regulations in your region.
Failure to abide by these rules, such as exceeding the permissible relocation distance, can lead to hefty fines of up to $50,000. This legal framework applies universally, regardless of the circumstances prompting the possum's relocation.
Click on the state you reside in to access detailed information concerning the legal regulations regarding possums: NSW, VIC, SA, QLD, WA,TAS, ACT and the NT.
Celebrating a Possum-Free Environment
Achieving a possum-free environment is essential for maintaining a peaceful and safe living space. Possum removal can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, it can be effectively managed.
One of the first steps in possum removal is to identify their entry points into your home. By sealing off these entry points with sturdy materials, you can prevent possums from re-entering your property easily.
Seeking the assistance of wildlife removal experts is necessary, especially if the possum infestation is severe or if you are unsure of how to effectively remove them. Possum removalists have the knowledge and experience to handle possum removal safely and efficiently.
By following these steps and remaining vigilant, you can successfully achieve a possum-free environment and enjoy a tranquil and harmonious living space. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to wildlife control, and taking proactive measures can go a long way in ensuring that your home remains free of possums and other unwanted critters.
Our Additional Services in Professional Wildlife Control
Beyond possum removal also known as humane wildlife removal, Possum Piper offers a range of additional services, including dead animal removal, rodent removal/ rat removal, gutter guard and valley guard installation, possum box installation, and possum tree guard services. Our comprehensive solutions cater to various needs to ensure a pest-free environment for our clients.
Our services extend to a variety of settings, including residential homes, industrial sites, commercial buildings, retail outlets, restaurants, schools, hospitals, churches, and government facilities in Sydney to the Blue Mountains, The Central Coast to Cronulla and Brisbane. No matter the location or scale of the issue, Possum Piper is equipped to handle it with professionalism and expertise.
For anyone in need of our possum removal service or comprehensive pest control services, Possum Piper is an expert wildlife removal expert and is just a phone call or email away. Reach out to us via our contact form, call 1300 880 194, FB messenger or email to benefit from our dedicated team's assistance and restore a safe and hygienic environment. Trust Possum Piper for reliable, eco-friendly, and effective solutions to all your wildlife and pest control needs.
Final Thoughts on Living Harmoniously with Wildlife
Living harmoniously with wildlife requires awareness, compassion, and proactive measures to address conflicts peacefully. By adopting a mindset of coexistence and promoting responsible wildlife management, we can create a more sustainable and respectful relationship with the natural world around us.