Services & Pricing - 1
Thank you for choosing Possum Piper to quote on your possum/rat issue.
Possum Piper is a premier specialist in possum removal and rat control, boasting a proficient team under the guidance of a seasoned director with over 35 years of industry experience. We deliver comprehensive inspection reports to ensure transparent cost estimates.
Our sterling reputation is built on the trust of satisfied clientele and our unparalleled expertise in possum removal services and recognized since 2011 as the pinnacle possum removal company in Australia. Don't just take our word for it—explore our google reviews to witness why we are the preferred choice for top-notch possum removal, rodent control, and all associated services.
Table Of Contents:
- Introduction
- Service Descriptions
Service Descriptions
Inspection Report (min fee applicable)
Fee - Standard $300.00 + gst (one technician only)
2 x Techs $750.00 + gst (2 persons inspection)
Scope includes:
Our technician will conduct a comprehensive inspection, covering the entire perimeter of the building to identify the entry points used by possums. During the inspection, the technician will assess both the interior and exterior areas of the roof, ensuring that it is conducted in a safe manner.
The inspection will encompass the identification of both possum and/or rodent activity.
In the subsequent report, we will provide a comprehensive list of the building elements including associated pics that identify areas of your building that require attention to effectively address the clients’ issues. Additionally, we will include information about other elements of the building that may pose potential future issues and provide recommendations on whether these elements should be addressed immediately or if they can be addressed at a later time if they eventually become problematic.
If requested or required we will provide a detailed quotation for any additional possum proofing or rodent-related work that goes beyond the scope of our standard service fees if identified during our inspection.
Exclusions & Conditions:
1.1 If there is no accessible internal manhole or roof cavity, such as in the case of a flat roof, we will be unable to conduct a complete assessment of the interior of the roof. It's important to note that this aspect of the inspection focuses solely on identifying rodent activity and does not involve identifying possum entry points.
1.2 If the roof has a pitch exceeding 30° or if a three-story ladder is necessary for a safe inspection, we will schedule the inspection for a later date and ensure the presence of two Technicians. Please note that this arrangement will involve an additional fee for the two-person inspection.
For a single Technician, the maximum vertical height they can reach on the roof is 5.5 meters, while maintaining a horizontal clearance of 1.6 meters from the gutter line to feet of the ladder at the ground level.
1.3 For safety reasons, it may be necessary to turn off the main power when accessing the roof, both internally and externally. While we take every precautionary measure, it is important to note that we cannot be held liable for any damage to electrical cables that may occur during the possum removal process.
1.4. You are under no obligation to proceed with any recommended services. However, please note that a call-out fee is applicable for each attendance, whether:
- possum proofing or rodent control work is conducted or not.
- additional inspections are required.
- Additional materials that may need to be ordered or manufactured beyond what is typically utilized in our standard services.
Standard Possum Removal
Fee -
1x Tech $450.00 + gst (standard)
- Inspection $300 +gst
- Up to 2 x possum proofed standard holes $100+gst
2 x Techs $1100.00 + gst
- Includes inspection: $750 +gst
- Up to 2 x possum proofed standard holes $350 +gst
We take every precautionary measure to prevent possums from perishing in the roof space. We kindly request our clients to collaborate closely with us throughout the removal process and follow the procedures outlined by our technician after the work is completed. This cooperation ensures a successful exit of the possums from the premises. Our technician will discuss with you the most suitable options for your specific circumstances, ensuring the effective removal of possums from the affected areas.
Scope includes:
1.1 Includes Inspection report.
1.2 Possum-proofing/sealing for up to 2 basic entry points. These entry points should not exceed a size of 25cm The proofing is done using galvanized tin and/or snake proof mesh.
The works conducted will solely on the exterior of the building. Any aesthetic or internal repair work that may be required after possum proofing will be the responsibility of the property owner if a third-party contractor is required, unless otherwise requested.
1.3 We provide installation of a temporary one-way door system, designed to allow any possum that may be in the roof at the time the proofing is being done to exit but prevents re-entry.
Only 1 x one door is included and any additional doors may result in extra charges.
If your roof has sarking it will need to be cut for the technician to install the one-way doors. This will not compromise the integrity of your roof.It is also worth noting that one-way doors are designed to prevent rain from entering the roof.
1.4 The removal of the one-way door and the sealing of the final entry point will take place at least 4 days after the completion of the possum proofing work, coinciding with the technician's next visit to the area. It's important to note that the removal of the door is not scheduled for a specific day or time unless you specifically request to be present for the technician to gain access. If a booking is required for someone to be present to collect the one-way door, an additional fee may be applicable.
1.5 Following our visit, you can expect to receive a comprehensive inspection report via email. This report will include detailed descriptions, accompanied by relevant pictures, to provide you with a clear understanding of the findings. Additionally, we will include a "what to expect" document to outline the anticipated next steps and address any queries you may have.
The inspection report may highlight specific areas which are not covered under our Standard Possum Removal service. The following list provides examples of such areas, but it is not an exhaustive list:
- In cases where the property shares a roof with adjoining properties, it is strongly advised that the inspection covers all connected roofs. This approach guarantees a thorough and comprehensive possum removal service that effectively resolves the issue across the entire affected area. However, it is important to note that access to shared situations will only be conducted with prior permission. By default, the inspection will focus solely on the roof space associated with the specific property address for which our attendance has been requested.
- Sanitization is not included as part of our scope of works.
- Cases where the identified items fall outside the standard scope of possum removal and third party is required to perform the necessary work. A quote for these additional works will be provided upon request.
- Any additional entry points beyond the initial two or any complex entry points. If these apply they will be assessed and priced on an individual basis, Our technician will have a detailed discussion with you during the attendance to determine the necessary work and associated costs before proceeding with any work beyond the standard possum removal. If materials other than galvanized tin and/or snake proof mesh are need to ensure effective possum-proofing they will not be allowed for as part of a standard possum removal will also need to be quoted accordingly.
- Possum trapping. In certain situations, a possum trap may be necessary instead of, or in combination with, a one-way door. If a possum trap is utilized or requested in-lieu of a one-way door to remove or capture the possum from the roof space, it will be released on the property the following day anytime after the sun has set and not over waterways, as per the legal requirement (within a maximum distance of 150m, as stated by the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974). An additional charge of $300.00 + GST on top of the standard possum trapping fee will be charged unless noted otherwise to release the possum after dark. A further fee of $300.00 + GST/day will be charged to re-attend until the possum is successfully caught. Alternatively the property owner may perform the release themselves at no extra cost. If you opt to release the possum independently, you agree to abide by the lawful requirement of releasing it no more than 150m from the property. Please note that you agree to indemnify Possum Piper from any fines resulting from non-compliance with these regulations.
- Any work that would require 2 x technicians and a 3 storey ladder, harness equipment, scaffolding or mechanical machinery such as cherry pickers etc. If any of the above is required to carry out any works our minimum inspection fee will be applicable and a quotation will be provided for the cost to carry out the works that require any other the above equipment.
One Way door conditions
If you or persons acting on your behalf tamper with the works carried out or if you remove the temporary door yourself the warranty will become void and you may be liable for a replacement door at the cost of $200.00 + gst if it is damaged or disposed of.
Work Warranty
Possum Piper provides a warranty period of 12 months from the initial date of work completion. If, within this period, the possum-proofing work carried out on the identified entry points, as specified in the inspection report and scope of works, is breached by a possum, we will promptly make the required repairs to secure the breach at no cost to the client. However, if the breach is determined to be a new entry point or if it was mentioned in the report but not approved for repair, it will be considered a separate job and treated accordingly.
NOTE: The warranty excludes items referring to any special conditions noted in the inspection report under the heading "other possible entry points not included in any possum proofing work carried out" and include but are not limited to:
- Under house open areas.
- Valley or gutter lines.
- Lead or synthetic flashing.
- Rotting external timber members.
It's important to note that the ongoing warranty will be void if the property owner does not adhere to or accept our suggestions and any other recommendations outlined in the initial inspection report conducted by Possum Piper prior to performing any services requested by the property's resident.
Standard Rat Control
Fee - $450.00 + gst
Rat proofing a property in most cases is generally not feasible. However if it is achievable we will provide a price if requested.
Scope includes:
1.1 Includes inspection report.
1.2 Placing of up to 4 x bait stations including 2 x baits per station laid in strategic positions around the perimeter of the building.
1.3 Copy of Inspection report, Rat Baiting Fact Sheet and Contrac Blox Safety documentation emailed to you post attendance.
Additional Extras
- Securing bait stations to a wall etc is an additional $10.00 +GST /bait station.
- Tamper proof bait stations with a padlock can be installed for an additional $55.00 +GST /bait station.
- Additional bait stations are $55.00 +GST/ bait station
Rat Bait Station Maintenance
Each bait station will be checked and replenished as needed.
Fee - $250.00 + gst/ 15 bait stations. $5.00 + gst / each bait that is replenished.
DIY Rat Maintenance
Rat Bait Refills with FREE Delivery available through our online shop.
Work Warranty
If Possum Piper is contracted to perform the recommended periodic maintenance for rat bait stations installed by us, an extended warranty period will be in effect starting from the initial completion date of the work. This warranty will remain valid as long as the scheduled maintenance is carried out as recommended. It's important to note that the ongoing warranty will be void if the property owner does not adhere to or accept our suggestions regarding the periodic maintenance intervals and any other recommendations outlined in the initial inspection report conducted by Possum Piper prior to performing any services requested by the property's resident.
In cases where the property owner chooses to independently maintain the bait stations, no warranty period will be applicable.
Dead Animal Carcass Removal
Fee - $450.00 + gst
Approximately 80% of the time, we are able to successfully locate and remove a deceased carcass. However, it is important to note that rats are generally more challenging to locate than possums. Regardless of whether we are able to locate the carcass or not, the applicable fee remains the same.
Scope includes:
1.0 Full search for up to one and a quarter hour.
1.1 Disposal of the animal carcass/s
1.2 Includes up to 2 small animals on your property or in your roof space (Roadside carcasses are the council's responsibility).
1.3 For more than 2 carcasses or if they are in different areas e.g. garden and roof, may incur additional cost at the discretion of the Technician.
1.4 Large animals and/or located outside of the Sydney Metro area priced on application.
1.5 If instructed by you, we may need to create openings in the ceiling or walls (such as gyprock) to facilitate the removal of the animal carcass. In such cases, it is important to note that Possum Piper will not be responsible for repairing the resulting holes. The task of repairing any openings created during the process will be the responsibility of the property owner.
- Roof sanitisation not included.
- Inspection Report
Other Additional Services
Possum Trapping
Fee - $450.00 + gst (max 2 x traps)
Scope includes:
Up to 2 x possum traps will be set in the ceiling space to capture the possum from the roof space, Once trapped it will be released on the property the following day anytime after the sun has set and not over waterways, as per the legal requirement (within a maximum distance of 150m, as stated by the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974). An additional charge of $300.00 + GST on top of the standard possum trapping fee will be charged unless noted otherwise to release the possum after dark. A further fee of $300.00 + GST/day will be charged to re-attend until the possum is successfully caught.
Alternatively the property owner may perform the release themselves at no extra cost. If you opt to release the possum independently, you agree to abide by the lawful requirement of releasing it no more than 150m from the property. Please note that you agree to indemnify Possum Piper from any fines resulting from non-compliance with these regulations.
Supply Possum Box
Fee - $150.00 + gst/possum box
Scope includes:
Possum Piper will provide a tailor-made wooden possum box, specifically designed to provide a safe shelter for both Ringtail and Brushtail possums
Possum Box Installation
Fee - $200.00 + gst/possum box
Scope includes:
You can supply your own possum box or Possum Piper can provide a tailor-made wooden possum box, specifically designed to provide a safe shelter for both Ringtail and Brushtail possums. Our technician will install the possum box(es) in a suitable location, considering the customer's requirements, the safety of the possum(s), and the necessary parameters. These parameters include a maximum vertical height of 5.5 meters and a horizontal clearance of 1.6 meters from the structure to which the possum box will be attached, measured from the ladder's base at ground level.
Gutter &/or Valley Guard Supply & Installation
Fee - POA
Tree Pruning Service
Fee - POA
Possum Tree Guard Installation
Fee - POA
Key Pick-up Service
If required from Real Estate / Strata Management
Fee - $150.00 + gst
Scope includes:
The pick-up fee covers the Technician's travel within a 5km radius from the property being serviced. However, if the key pick-up location is situated more than 5km away from the property to be inspected, an additional fee of $20.00 + gst/km will apply for the extended distance.
*Note. Each of the above services are independent of each other and will be invoiced as separate items.
Please don't hesitate to call us if you have any questions or would like clarification.
Kind Regards
Ph: 1300 880 194
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